- If you need more information about GaAs wafer, please visit our website: http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Dec 19, 2014
Larger wafers boosting GaAs and InP electronics
The boom in the compound semiconductor industry was evident at both the GaAs MANTECH conference in Washington DC and the Indium Phosphide and Related Materials conference in Williamsburg, Virginia in May, with delegate and exhibitor numbers up by as much as 50% on last year. A key concern at both was supply of larger-diameter wafers — 6″ GaAs and 4″ InP — to meet demand for electronic devices.
Dec 1, 2014
Characterization of semi-polar GaN on GaAs substrates
Cubic GaN was grown on GaAs(0 0 1). The GaN layers were found to exhibit residual strain with a measured a-lattice parameter of 4.4990 Å. The GaN layers were grown on GaAs(1 1 0) forming cubic crystal structure with an a-lattice parameter of 4.4947 Å for the LT-GaN buffer layers and a hexagonal structure with an a-lattice parameter of 2.7463 Å and a c-lattice parameter of 5.5882 Å for the main GaN layers. Comparisons between the two GaAs substrate orientations, GaN on GaAs(1 1 0) showed a smoother surface (R rms of 5.369 nm) than that on GaAs(0 0 1) (R rms of 9.776 nm). It was shown by a TEM investigation that semi-polar GaN layers with low defect densities could be grown by MOCVD on GaAs(1 1 0) substrates. The TEM results indicated GaN
//GaAs[1 1 0] and GaN
//GaAs(1 1 0) crystal orientations.

- gaas wafer suppliers,gaas substrate supplier,gaas wafers,GaAs single-crystal substrates
- If you need more information about GaAs wafer, please visit our website: http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Nov 6, 2014
Atomistic structure of stacking faults in a commercial GaAs:Si wafer revealed by cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy
A Frank-type stacking fault bounded by a partial dislocation, about a few nanometers in size, was observed in a commercial GaAs:Si wafer (with the Si concentration of
) annealed at the temperature of about 950 K, by cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy. There existed no charge around the stacking fault, unlike in heavily Si-doped GaAs. There was a localized energy level associated with the stacking fault, as expected theoretically in the pure stacking fault in which Si atoms do not exist.

- Stacking faults;
- Si-doped GaAs;
- Cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy
- If you need more information about GaAs wafer, please visit our website: http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Oct 12, 2014
GaAs side-by-side direct wafer bonding and formation of lateral pn junction
We demonstrate the first successful side-by-side lateral wafer bonding of GaAs which is expected to increase the flexibility of the device fabrication process. First we give a brief review of compound semiconductor surface-to-surface direct wafer bonding, which has been remarkably successful in device applications owing to a new dimension in the fabrication process flexibility. Then results of side-by-side direct wafer bonding, which was achieved using a pair of cleaved facets taking advantage of their quasi-perfect flat surfaces, are presented. It is shown that submicron-order leveling can be easily achieved by face-down alignment of the two wafers. Lateral nn and pn junctions have been successfully formed using bulk substrates and even with epitaxial wafers. Current-voltage characteristics across the bonded interface show that no observable electrical barrier is formed by the bonding process. Although some oxides were found to exist at the bonded interface, TEM measurements revealed that atomic-order recrystallization is achieved in most of the interface after heat treatment at 700°C for 30 min.
- Direct wafer bonding;
- GaAs;
- Cleaved facet;
- Electrical property;
- TEM;
- Source:Sciencedirect
If you need more information about GaAs wafer, please visit our website: http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Sep 16, 2014
Graphics script provides quick classification of CaAs wafers
Infrared transmission topography has long been used to detect variations in gallium arsenide wafers that can cause dark-line defects that limit lifetime of GaAs lasers and solar cells. In the past, infrared transmission was measured over a whole wafer by scanning a small spot mechanically. Absorption was calculated at each location across the surface of the wafer and used to produce colour-coded plots that allow the wafer’s characteristics to be determined at a glance. The program ran on VAXNMS computers, but these are being taken out of service due to obsolescence. To overcome these problems, the author developed a graphics script using a state-of-the-art data analysis program which provides quick classification of CaAs wafers based on traps and defects, but runs on inexpensive personal computers and, as a bonus, produces bit-map plots that can be cut and pasted into Windows word processing and presentation software.
Polished wafers of semiinsulating undoped GaAs or doped conducting GaAs are important for the manufacture of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits that operate at very high frequencies. Semi-insulating GaAs wafers are typically used as substrates for electronic devices, while silicon-doped wafers are used in the fabrication of solar cells and edge-emitting lasers. The advantage of GaAs is that it is capable of operating at 5 to 10 times the maximum frequency level of silicon circuits.These devices are currently used in three major consumer markets: wireless (including PCS and cellular), fibre-optic communications, and television (including cable and direct-broadcast satellite TV). There are also many military communications applications for GaAs.Unfortunately, the EL2 trap is an electronic defect in the GaAs crystal that is not yet fully understood in terms of its atomic structure. It is, however, instrumental in producing semi-insulating GaAs crystals by pinning the Fermi level near mid-gap. Uneven distributions of EL2 can cause problems in GaAs by affecting the resistivity and device isolation. Another type of defect, crystalline dislocations, can be mapped by etching the wafer (for semi-insulating GaAs) or nondestructively (for GaAs:Si). The effects of dislocations on electronic devices fabricated on active layers grown on semi-insulating GaAs are unclear, but dislocations are unlikely to improve device characteristics. Dislocations in GaAs:Si are known to cause dark-line defects in lasers and solar cells, leading to premature failure.
Wafer scanning
The Air Force Research Laboratory has developed an automated method of accurately measuring the infrared transmission and therefore the absorption (or scattering) at all locations across a GaAs wafer. From this, the EL2 density (or dislocation density) can be calculated. T3he wafer is mechanically scanned past a beam from a tungsten-halogen light source. The collimated light is focused through a monochromator that passes only 1.1 l_trn wavelength light, which is absorbed b) the EL2 trap. Measurement at 1.1 urn wavelength gives neutral EL2 density, while using 1.2 nm wavelength gives total EL2 density Dislocation density is measured at a wavelength where the EL2 trap does not absorb; we use 1.45 urn wavelength (see Figures l-4). Measurement at other wavelengths is required for other sample wafer compositions. For example, total iron density in indium phosphide wafers requires measurement at 1.0 urn wavelength, as shown in Figure 5. The light passes through an electromechanical chopper and is focused into a 0.5 mm2 spot on the wafer. A germanium diode detector operating in the low-noise zero-bias mode detects the infrared light passing through the samp1e.A com- mercial lock-in amplifier detects the light, digitises its intensity, and the acquisition computer program stores the intensity in a file along with on-wafer coordinates. Measurement of the 16,597 locations required to map a 3” wafer takes about an hour; 100 mm wafers (measured at 28,593 locations) and 150 mm wafers (measured at 68,444 locations) take longer. Comprehending the meaning of these large data-sets can be very difficult. Our analysis constructs a colour histogram by ranking the da- ta into 14 bins and assigning a colour to each bin, then plotting a square of that colour at each location where the measured value corresponds to a bin range. This provides an easily interpreted colour-map of the measured values keyed to the colour histogram. This provides an excellent method of investigating relatively obscure correlations between mate- rials properties and device properties.The plotted colour-map of the dataset can easily be compared to the properties of semiconductor device test structures fabricated on the wafers. Such measurements as Hall-effect for free carrier density and mobility, sourcedrain resistance, source-drain saturation cur- rent, pinch-off voltage and microwave characteristics such as cut-off frequency can also be plotted as wafer-maps. Visual inspectionof the colour-maps quickly
reveals any rough correlations; more detailed mathematical correlations can be carried out as desired.
New program replaces old
Commercial data plotting packages do not use this scheme of a colour histogram with the colours keyed to locations ofmeasurements on a semiconductorwafer.A decade ago, the author began
using a custom program developed by co-workers D.Elsaesser, S. Dudley and J. Sewell, who implemented the scheme in a FORTRAN wafer-mapping program on a Digital Equipment Corp VAX/VMS super-minicomputer. Unfortunately, their
Refining plots
The user can then easily refine the plots. LabTalk usually draws too many numbers on each axis. The author corrects this by clicking the “Format” tab to get the drop-down menu, choosing “axis” and “X” (or
“Y”) and entering lower values for the number of tic marks.The axes may also be labelled by clicking on “X axis label” (or “Y axis label”) and entering new axis-label text. Origin has a layout screen that
may be used to combine the histogram and wafer-map plots on a single page for printing or plots may be saved and combined on any word processor or graphics program that supports colour.
Keywords : gaas wafer,gaas wafer price,gaas wafer cleaning,gaas wafer size,gaas wafer fabirication process,gaas wafer market
If you need more information about GaAs wafer, please visit our website: http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Aug 28, 2014
Large-depth defect profiling in GaAs wafers after saw cutting
Positron lifetime measurements and Doppler-broadening spectroscopy using slow positrons were combined to investigate open-volume defects created by sawing wafers from GaAs ingots introduced by a diamond saw cutter. The depth distribution represents a large-depth (up to 9.5 μm), wedge-like profile. This was found during step-by-step etching and assembling the respective individual S(E) curves. The depth and the concentration of the defects introduced by the diamond saw depend on the advance of the saw blade. The thermal stability of the detected defects was studied by an isochronal annealing experiment. It was concluded from the positron lifetime measurements and from the Doppler-broadening parameters as well as from the annealing behavior that small vacancy aggregates consisting of at least two vacancies are created by the sawing procedure. More extended defects such as microcracks were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Rutherford-backscattering spectroscopy shows that there is no amorphous material in the near-surface region.
Keywords:GaAs wafers; Saw cutting; Positron;DB; GD; PM
If you need more information Large-depth defect profiling in GaAs wafers after saw cutting, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Keywords:GaAs wafers; Saw cutting; Positron;DB; GD; PM
If you need more information Large-depth defect profiling in GaAs wafers after saw cutting, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Aug 15, 2014
Photoelastic characterization of residual strain in GaAs wafers annealed in holders of different geometry
The spatial distribution of residual strain in undoped 2 inch GaAs wafers multi-step annealed in holders of different geometry was characterized by the scanning infrared polariscope (SIRP) method. The SIRP maps reveal that the distribution of strain is significantly influenced by the symmetry of annealing, in particular by the points of contact between wafer and holder. In contrast to the as-grown state, the annealed wafers show fine patterns of slip lines. The lowest level and the most homogeneous distribution of residual strain were achieved by annealing in a vertically positioned holder of graphite rings. The radial temperature differences in the wafers caused by heating and cooling were checked by means of thermocouples on dummies of graphite. Temperature gradients up to 30 K cm−1 were measured depending upon the rates of cooling and heating.
Keywords:Annealed; GaAs wafers; Residual strain
If you need more information about Photoelastic characterization of residual strain in GaAs wafers annealed in holders of different geometry, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Keywords:Annealed; GaAs wafers; Residual strain
If you need more information about Photoelastic characterization of residual strain in GaAs wafers annealed in holders of different geometry, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Apr 21, 2014
Pulse plating of Pt on n-GaAs (100) wafer surfaces: Synchrotron induced photoelectron spectroscopy and XPS of wet fabrication processes
Preparation steps of Pt/n-GaAs Schottky contacts as applied
in the fabrication process of varactor diode arrays for THz applications are
analysed by photoelectron spectroscopy. Pulsed cathodic deposition of Pt onto
GaAs (1 0 0) wafer surfaces from acidic solution has been studied by
core level photoelectron spectroscopy using different excitation energies. A
laboratory AlKα source as well as synchrotron radiation ofhν=130 and 645 eV at
BESSY was used. Chemical analyses and semiquantitative estimates of layer
thickness are given for the natural oxide of an untreated wafer surface, a
surface conditioning NH3 etching step, and stepwise pulse
plating of Pt. The structural arrangement of the detected species and interface
potentials are considered.
you need more information about Pulse plating of Pt on n-GaAs (100) wafer
surfaces: Synchrotron induced photoelectron spectroscopy and XPS of wet
fabrication processes, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or
send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Residual strain in annealed GaAs single-crystal wafers as determined by scanning infrared polariscopy, X-ray diffraction and topography
We have compared the strain data in GaAs wafers, as-grown as
well as annealed, determined by means of the scanning infrared polariscope
(SIRP) with data of high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXD) and qualitative
results of a synchrotron based, single-crystal X-ray transmission topography
(SXRTT) study. The in-plane strain component |εr−εt| measured by SIRP
throughout the wafer thickness was about 10−5, while it derived from
the single components εxx, εyy, and εxy determined
by HRXD at a penetrated layer close to the surface was above 10−4.
Consequently, we assume that a strong strain gradient exists between the
surface and the bulk.
Journal of Crystal Growth
you need more information about Characterization of EL2 distribution on semi‐insulating
GaAs wafer by optically assisted imperfection profile, please visit our
website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Apr 9, 2014
Characterization of EL2 distribution on semi‐insulating GaAs wafer by optically assisted imperfection profile
An improved nondestructive characterization technique is
developed to measure the relative density distribution of the EL2 level in
undoped semi‐insulating (SI) GaAs wafers at
room temperature. Experimentally, the resistance of a small area of the wafer is
measured twice, first with greater than band‐gap illumination outside a small masked area and then with a
narrow‐band optical filter
centered at 1074 nm in place of the masked area. The difference of the two
measured resistances is shown to be proportional to the density of the EL2
level. By moving the masked area across the wafer while taking resistance
measurements, the relative density variation of EL2 can be determined. A
theoretical discussion based on the commonly used compensation model for
undoped SI GaAs materials is presented to interpret the experimental data.
A technique for applying electrical contacts to SI GaAs materials by
ultrasonic soldering has been developed to achieve reproducible measurements.
Although only GaAs materials were investigated, this optically
assisted imperfection profile can be applied to study other high‐resistivity semiconductors.
you need more information about Characterization of EL2 distribution on semi‐insulating
GaAs wafer by optically assisted imperfection profile, please visit our
website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
GaAs wafer breakage: Causes and cures, growth and process
The impact of GaAs wafer breakage on
processing facilities is discussed. Wafer strength and equipment
assessment are detailed. The authors describe many of the improvements that
have resulted in the virtual elimination of wafer breakage due to
unassignable causes. When proper material and process control techniques are
used, GaAs wafer breakage should not occur.
If you need more information about GaAs wafer breakage:
Causes and cures, growth and process, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or
send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Mar 31, 2014
CW and Q-switched mode-locking of a Nd:YVO/sub 4/ laser with a GaAs wafer
Summary from only given. We demonstrate the CW mode locking
in a Nd:YVO/sub 4/ laser by using a single crystal GaAs wafer as
the saturable absorber as well as the output coupler. We show that by simply
changing the laser power density in the GaAs wafer either a pure
CW mode locking or a Q-switched mode locking can be achieved.
you need more information about CW and Q-switched mode-locking of a Nd:YVO/sub
4/ laser with a GaAs wafer, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or
send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Mar 21, 2014
The Study of Femto-Second Laser Induced Damage Threshold on Semi-Insulating GaAs Wafer
demonstrated an experiment of femtosecond-laser damage threshold on GaAs wafer,
the damage threshold was measured from 50 to 400fs. The mechanism was discussed
through injection power, pulse duration and ablation profile. The results
showed that the damage threshold increased with the pulse duration, the
relationship between diameter of ablation hole and laser power density was also
analyzed. It was concluded that the main factor affecting the damage threshold
was photon ionization and collision ionization.
Chao Yang Li
If you need more information about The Study of Femto-Second Laser Induced Damage Threshold on Semi-Insulating GaAs Wafer, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Mar 12, 2014
Design Of Experiment (DOE) For Thickness Reduction Of GaAs Wafer Using Lapping Process
This paper report a statistical method of performing wafer lapping
experimental using design of experiment (DOE) technique in order to get best
lapping time to reduced thickness of GaAs wafer. Lapping speed,
lapping time, oscillator speed and weight was selected as four main factor
determine the shortest time of thickness reduction. A complete 24 factorial
of 4 factors (16 run) was design to determined the effect of selected factor.
The lapping process was carried out using ULTRATEC Lapping& Polishing
machine while the wafer thickness was characterized using Logitech
non contact gauge. It was found that best lapping parameter was using lapping
speed at 3 r.p.m, oscillator speed at 2 r.p.m and 3 weight block for duration
of 240 sec. This parameter is able to reduce 156 mum of waferwithin 240
second without any crack problems and able to give good reference of reduction
of GaAswafer thickness process period.
If you need more information about Design Of Experiment (DOE) For Thickness
Reduction Of GaAs Wafer Using Lapping Process, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or
send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching of GaAs wafer pieces with enhanced device yield
Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching (ICP-RIE) is
used in the fabrication of GaAs slab-coupled optical waveguide (SCOW)
laser and amplifier devices in order to prepare etched-ridge-waveguide surface
features. The processing of GaAs wafer pieces (less than full wafers)
requires mounting these samples on a ceramic or silicon carrier wafer by
means of a thermally conductive mounting paste to improve thermal contact
between the GaAs and carrier wafer. However, use of a mounting
paste requires additional postetch handling of samples, including mechanical
clean-up and multiple solvent cleaning steps. Insufficient paste removal can
lead to unwanted surface contamination and film adhesion issues during
subsequent sample processing. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln
Laboratory has developed an ICP-RIE process for GaAs wafer pieces
that eliminates the use of mounting paste. This process features time-limited
thermal management during etching, which is essential to maintain predictable
etch rates along with suitable etched surfaces and satisfactory sidewall
quality. Utilizing this simplified etch process for SCOW fabrication has
resulted in greatly reduced film adhesion failures and a dramatic improvement
in device yield.
If you need more information about Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion
etching of GaAs wafer pieces with enhanced device yield, please visit our
website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Mar 5, 2014
Surface defects in GaAs wafer processes
The causes of micro- and macro-irregularities observed on GaAs(100) polished wafers were investigated. From the results, the wafer processes were improved so that a high-quality surface was obtained without orange peel, haze, or pits. For 3-inch wafers the flatness was improved to less than 2 μm in TTV and the warp to less than 5 μm. Improvements in the wafer processes were: development of a better polishing solution, filtering of this solution with maintenance of the pad conditions, thereby eliminating scratches, annealing at high temperature to eliminate pits, advances in slicing and lapping to reduce warp, and three-stage double-sided polishing to eliminate dimples and to improve TTV.
Source: Journal of Crystal Growth
If you need more information about Surface defects in GaAs wafer processes, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Source: Journal of Crystal Growth
If you need more information about Surface defects in GaAs wafer processes, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Fabrication of GaAs laser diodes on Si using low-temperature bonding of MBE-grown GaAs wafers with Si wafers
We present a study of the properties of III–V structures integrated on Si by low-temperature GaAs–Si wafer bonding, using an intermediate spin-on-glass layer. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the good quality of the bonding and the absence of micro-cracks or dislocations in the semiconductor material. Photoluminescence measurements on GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well structures bonded on Si confirmed that the structural integrity of the quantum wells was preserved during the wafer bonding and thinning process. Photoreflectance measurements at temperatures in the range of 80–300 K showed that the bonded GaAs layers were practically stress free at room temperature, while a tensile stress appeared at lower temperature, due to the different thermal expansion coefficients of GaAs and Si. Laser devices with etched mirrors were fabricated on silicon and exhibited similar performances with reference devices fabricated on a GaAs substrate.
Source: Journal of Crystal Growth
If you need more information about Fabrication of GaAs laser diodes on Si using low-temperature bonding of MBE-grown GaAs wafers with Si wafers, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Source: Journal of Crystal Growth
If you need more information about Fabrication of GaAs laser diodes on Si using low-temperature bonding of MBE-grown GaAs wafers with Si wafers, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Feb 27, 2014
Graphic script provides quick classification of GaAs wafers
Infrared transmission topography has long been used to detect variations in gallium arsenide wafers that can cause dark-line defects that limit lifetime of GaAs lasers and solar cells. In the past, infrared transmission was measured over a whole wafer by scanning a small spot mechanically. Absorption was calculated at each location across the surface of the wafer and used to produce colour-coded plots that allow the wafer's characteristics to be determined at a glance. The program ran on VAX/VMS computers, but these are being taken out of service due to obsolescence. To overcome these problems, the author developed a graphics script using a state-of-the-art data analysis program which provides quick classification of GaAs wafers based on traps and defects, but runs on inexpensive personal computers and, as a bonus, produces bit-map plots that can be cut and pasted into Windows word processing and presentation software.
Source: III-Vs Review
If you need more information about Graphic script provides quick classification of GaAs wafers, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Source: III-Vs Review
If you need more information about Graphic script provides quick classification of GaAs wafers, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Crystal growth of large-diameter bulk CdTe on GaAs wafer seed plates
We report here on some of the characteristics of CdTe bulk crystals grown on commercially available (2 1 1)B GaAs wafers by multitube physical vapour transport, a process analogous to vapour phase heteroepitaxy. Crystals several millimetres in thickness have been grown on 50 mm diameter seed plates with growth rates∼120 μm/h. Double- and triple-axis X-ray diffraction gave resolution-limited FWHM values of 34 arcsec. Maps across an as-grown surface showed the FWHM to be less than ∼80 arcsec over the majority of the surface. Infrared microscopy revealed there were comparatively low levels of Te inclusions in the central part of the crystal, but rather higher concentrations towards the edges. The use of GaAs substrates did not appear to produce the compensated material, and it was necessary to dope the material with Cl to render it semi-insulating.
Source: Journal of Crystal Growth
If you need more information about Crystal growth of large-diameter bulk CdTe on GaAs wafer seed plates, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Source: Journal of Crystal Growth
If you need more information about Crystal growth of large-diameter bulk CdTe on GaAs wafer seed plates, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Feb 17, 2014
Stress analysis and bending tests for GaAs wafers
Wafer made from single crystal gallium arsenide (GaAs) are used as substrate materials in micro- and opto-electronic devices. During the various processes of manufacturing, the wafers are subjected to mechanical loads which may lead to fracture. The characterization of the fracture strength of the wafers need bending tests and a theoretical calculation of various stress distributions within the wafers.
In this study we show that the nonlinear von Kármán theory may serve as an appropriate tool to calculate the stress distributions as functions of the external load, while the Kirchhoff theory has turned out to be completely inappropriate. Our main focus is devoted to (i) calculation of the contact area between the load sphere and the wafer, (ii) study of the influence of the anisotropic character of the material, (iii) study of the important geometric nonlinearity. Finally we compare the calculated and theoretical load–flexure relations in order to demonstrate the high accuracy of the von Kármán theory and its finite element implementation.
you need more information about Stress analysis and bending tests for GaAs
wafers, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email
to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Feb 7, 2014
State of the art 6″ SI GaAs wafers made of conventionally grown LEC-crystals
6″ SI GaAs single crystals are grown by the standard LEC-process in a new-generation multi-heater puller designed for charges up to 50 kg and crucibles up to 12″, applying the carbon controlled growth technology. It is demonstrated that the increasing requirements of device manufacturers with regard to macroscopic and mesoscopic homogeneity of electrical properties, mechanical strength, flatness and cleanliness of the wafers can be fully met by LEC grown 6″ crystals.
of Crystal Growth
you need more information about State of the art 6″ SI GaAs wafers made of
conventionally grown LEC-crystals, please visit our
website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to
Jan 23, 2014
Optimization of gas flow and etch depth uniformity for plasma etching of large area GaAs wafers
1. Introduction
Mass production of GaAs-based advanced devices accelerates wafer
scale-up and process optimization. Those devices include such as GaAs/AlGaAs or
GaAs/InGaP metal semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFET), heterojuncton
bipolar transistors (HBT) and high
electron mobility transistors (HEMT). Recently, GaAs device industries try to
increase its volume with processing of large size wafers such as 100 and 150 mm
diameters. Especially, it is currently a transition time from 100 mm (4 in.) to
150 mm (6 in.) in mass-production of MESFET and HBT industries. It means that
most of GaAs-based processes have to be ready for scale-up.
One of critical issues of dry etching of such a large GaAs wafer is to
maintain a good uniformity. It is a key issue to make it possible to preserve
the process uniformity in a large area GaAs wafer. Another issue for high
productivity during GaAs etching is to minimize edge exclusion on a wafer. In
advanced GaAs industries, the edge exclusion is getting tighter than ever. The
limit for edge exclusion currently revolves from 8–10 to 4–6 mm. Minimization
of edge exclusion can improve efficiency of throughput after dry etch processes.
Compactness of the reactor is also an important issue for business and
maintenance point of view in industry. If the reactor is inadequately big for a
certain size wafer processing without optimization, it wastes extra cost for
expense. The chamber will require expensive vacuum pumps, which are bigger than
it needs. It will also require more gas flow in order to maintain a given
pressure than an optimized chamber will do.
The issue is now clear. It is how to improve the etch depth distribution
on a wafer during plasma etching in a compact chamber. One of basic information
that we want to know is to understand effect of gas flow distribution to that
of etch depth in the chamber. In our previous experiment, it was found that the
etch depth on GaAs wafer was generally higher at the edge and low at the center
after plasma etching in both selective and non-selective ICP etching when the
gas inserted from the edge of a reactor. Our curiosity goes to try to
understand “Is there any geometrical effect in order to improve the dry etch
uniformity?” and “How to optimize clamp design for uniform plasma etching if a
reactor size is already fixed?”
In this paper, we will discuss about how to improve the gas flow
uniformity in a chamber. Both simulation and experimental data showed that it
was possible to have optimized chuck and electrode design for excellent gas
flow in a reactor. It was also understood that size and height of clamp and
focus ring significantly affected gas flow uniformity, etch depth topography and
etch depth uniformity, finally.
2. Experimental
A finite difference numerical method was used for gas flow simulation. A
chamber was designed as 300 mm diameter and 300 mm height. A chuck was designed
as 200 mm diameter and 150 mm height in the simulation. Several clamps and
focus rings with different sizes and heights were introduced in the simulation.
Plasma gases could be inserted through center, edge or a showerhead in the
calculation. Simulation was done for both 100 mm (4 in.) and 150 mm (6 in.) diameter
GaAs wafers.
A few simulated data was compared to real experiment results acquired
with an ICP etching system. BCl3/N2/SF6/He gas was used
for GaAs etching. Full-size 100 mm GaAs wafers were used to collect the etch
depth data as a function of focus ring height for comparison of the data.
3. Results and discussion
Fig. 1 shows simulated gas flow uniformity as a function of wafer
diameter on the electrode. It is noticed that flow distribution by gas
insertion from the edge has a similar trend to that through a shower head over
the wafer. The results depicted that gas flow distribution was always high at
the edge and low at the center if gas was introduced through either edge of the
reactor or showerhead over the wafer. However, it was noticed that the gas
insertion from the center could change the trend of gas flow distribution on
the wafer. A reverse result of gas flux (i.e. high at the center and low at the
edge) was obtained by changing the position of gas insertion in the chamber.
Gas flow uniformity could be poor as high as ±25% in any condition with the
model reactor. Width of the reactor was 300 mm and height of the electrode was
150 mm in the simulation model. No clamp on the electrode was assumed for the
data on the Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Gas flow uniformity
as a function of distance from an edge on 150 mm wafer (without a clamp).
Fig. 2 shows simulation result on an effect
of a 0.5 cm thick clamp for gas flow distribution in the reactor for 150 mm
GaAs wafer processing. Introduction of a clamp in order to fix a wafer could
affect the gas flow. Further simulation indicated that height of the clamp and
size of the clamp were also important to control gas flow distribution on the
wafer in the chamber. According to Fig.
2, the introduction of clamp helped improve the gas flux uniformity by
reduction of peak height for gas flow near the clamp if the gas inserted from a
showerhead or edge. However, it would make it worse if the gas came into the
chamber from the center of the top electrode.

Fig. 2. Gas flow uniformity
as a function of distance from an edge on 150 mm wafer (with a clamp).
Simulated data for gas flow uniformity on a 100 mm diameter
wafer was shown on Fig. 3. The gas was inserted from the
edge of the reactor. The clamp was on the position in the simulation. According
to the results, uniformity of gas flow distribution was ±6% and gas flow was
higher at the edge than at the center. Note that introduction of a focus ring
around the wafer could decrease gas flow uniformity. The data also confirmed that
optimized configuration existed with the fixed size and height of the clamp on
the electrode. If the focus ring was too high, it made the uniformity worse.

Fig. 3. Gas flow
uniformity as a function of distance from an edge on 100 mm wafer (with a clamp).
The simulation results were compared with experimental data.
Comparison of Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 indicated that the simulation of gas flow
distribution matched very well for etch depth uniformity for GaAs etching. The
etching gas of GaAs (BCl3/N2/SF6/He) was inserted from the edge in the
experiment. Different height of dielectric-based focus rings was introduced in
sequential runs. The results showed that etch depth distribution exactly
resembled those of gas flow, i.e. optimized height of focus ring existed in
order to achieve minimum etch uniformity. A main role of the focus ring was to
control the gas flow distribution in the chamber.Fig. 4 showed that the etch uniformity could be
significantly improved by optimization of clamp and focus ring configuration.

Fig. 4. Etch depth
distribution of GaAs as a function of distance from an edge on 100 mm GaAs
wafer after inductively coupled BCl3/N2/SF6/He plasma
etching (with a clamp).
Fig. 5 shows gas flow uniformity as a
function of clamp size. A best configuration was achieved with a gas insertion
through a showerhead in the simulation. According to the result, the gas flow
uniformity varies as a function of clamp size as well as the height of the
clamp even though the dimension of reactor and electrode were fixed. Notice
that the lowest uniformity existed with a 1 cm distance from the wafer in the
reactor. Clamp thickness was fixed as 0.5 cm in the simulation. Therefore, it
meant that the height of clamp up to 1 cm from the wafer edge should be as low
as wafer thickness in order to achieve excellent uniformity. The results showed
that the flow uniformity could be reduced as low as <±1.5% up to the very
edge (<2 mm) of the wafer.

Fig. 5. Gas flow uniformity
as a function of distance from an edge on 100 mm wafer (with both a clamp and a
Gas flow distribution on 150 mm (6 in.) diameter GaAs wafer
was simulated at the same chamber and electrode with gas insertion through a
showerhead (Fig. 6). According to the result, gas flow
distribution could be as low as ±3% with the wafer. It increased from ±1.5%
with a 100 mm diameter wafer. However, the data was still quite good. If etch
depth distribution follows same trends in 150 mm wafer processing too, it is
expected to have about 3% etch depth uniformity up to very edge (<3 mm) of
the 150 mm wafer. The simulation results showed that 300 mm width of chamber
could handle 150 mm wafer with a quite good gas flow uniformity.

Fig. 6. Gas flow uniformity
as a function of distance from an edge on 150 mm wafer (with both a clamp and a
4. Summary and conclusions
We compared simulated gas flow uniformity with experimental data of etch
depth distribution for dry etching of large area GaAs wafer. The results showed
that etch depth trends of GaAs in BCl3/N2/SF6/He followed the
trace of gas flow distribution simulated by finite difference numerical method.
It was confirmed that advanced design of gas flow distribution in a reactor was
very important to have excellent etch depth uniformity for a large area GaAs
wafer in plasma etching. Introduction of an optimized clamp and a focus ring
could help achieve great uniformity on the wafer for BCl3/N2/SF6/He plasma etching of GaAs wafer.
Solid-State Electronics
you need more information about Optimization of gas flow and etch depth
uniformity for plasma etching of large area GaAs wafers, please visit our
website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email
to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Jan 15, 2014
2K PL topography of silicon doped VGF GaAs wafers
We report on full wafer and small area photoluminescence topography investigations of VGF GaAs:Si wafers. The wavelength-specific images exhibit various correlations and anti-correlations. Intensity variations due to competitive radiative and non-radiative recombination processes are mainly due to stoichiometric fluctuations and can be distinguished from those generated by the variation of the silicon dopant concentration. X-ray transmission topograms allow to identify grown-in defects like precipitates and dislocations and to correlate these with the observed macro- and microscopic luminescence variation patterns.
Materials Science and Engineering: B
If you need more information about 2K PL topography of silicon doped VGF GaAs
wafers, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us
email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Jan 13, 2014
Thermal processing induced plastic deformation in GaAs wafers
Different types of dislocation bundles were identified in the (001) GaAs substrates of III–V heterostructures. Comparisons of scanning infrared polariscopy images and X-ray transmission topograms showed a one to one correlation of stripes of reduced residual shear strain and dislocation bundles of the majority type. Visible-light interferometry and Makyoh topography, on the other hand, showed a slip-line distribution that is in correspondence to the distribution of dislocation bundles of the minority type(s). A new model for the plastic deformation of circular GaAs wafers during thermal processing is briefly outlined and its good agreement with the main experimental results demonstrated.
Source:Materials Science and Engineering: B
If you need more information about Thermal processing induced plastic deformation in GaAs wafers, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
Source:Materials Science and Engineering: B
If you need more information about Thermal processing induced plastic deformation in GaAs wafers, please visit our website:http://www.powerwaywafer.com or send us email to powerwaymaterial@gmail.com.
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