Jun 25, 2018

Saddle-Type Bow of As-Cut GaAs Wafers

Bow of as-cut GaAs wafers sliced by internal diameter diamond saw was studied. The crystals used were [001]-oriented GaAs grown by LEC technique. It was found that the bow of all wafers was a saddle type independent of doped impurities (undoped, Si-doped and Cr-doped). The form of saddle is related to particular crystal orientations of the zinc blende structure.


For more information, please visit our website: www.semiconductorwafers.net,

Jun 4, 2018

Mapping of GaAs and Si wafers and ion-implanted layers by light-induced scattering and absorption of IR light

The methods of light-induced absorption and diffraction have been used to investigate the uniformity of Si and GaAs wafers and ion-implanted Si. Metastable annealing of defects, lifetime modification by swirl and radiation defects and anomalous depth penetration of ion-implantation-created defects have been demonstrated in Si. The mapping of GaAs wafers has been performed with picosecond and nanosecond light pulses and light absorption mechanisms are discussed.


For more information, please visit our website: www.semiconductorwafers.net,