Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching (ICP-RIE) is
used in the fabrication of GaAs slab-coupled optical waveguide (SCOW)
laser and amplifier devices in order to prepare etched-ridge-waveguide surface
features. The processing of GaAs wafer pieces (less than full wafers)
requires mounting these samples on a ceramic or silicon carrier wafer by
means of a thermally conductive mounting paste to improve thermal contact
between the GaAs and carrier wafer. However, use of a mounting
paste requires additional postetch handling of samples, including mechanical
clean-up and multiple solvent cleaning steps. Insufficient paste removal can
lead to unwanted surface contamination and film adhesion issues during
subsequent sample processing. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln
Laboratory has developed an ICP-RIE process for GaAs wafer pieces
that eliminates the use of mounting paste. This process features time-limited
thermal management during etching, which is essential to maintain predictable
etch rates along with suitable etched surfaces and satisfactory sidewall
quality. Utilizing this simplified etch process for SCOW fabrication has
resulted in greatly reduced film adhesion failures and a dramatic improvement
in device yield.
If you need more information about Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion
etching of GaAs wafer pieces with enhanced device yield, please visit our
website: or send us email to
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